FEB - Fox Estate Bulgaria
FEB stands for Fox Estate Bulgaria
Here you will find, what does FEB stand for in Real Estate under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fox Estate Bulgaria? Fox Estate Bulgaria can be abbreviated as FEB What does FEB stand for? FEB stands for Fox Estate Bulgaria. What does Fox Estate Bulgaria mean?The Bulgaria based company is located in Plovdiv, Plovdiv engaged in real estate industry.
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Alternative definitions of FEB
- February
- Fever
- Flesh Eating Bacteria
- Força Expedicionária Brasileira
- Federal Executive Board
- Flow Equalization Basin
- Flow Equalization Basin
- Figure editor button bar (WordPerfect for Win)
View 41 other definitions of FEB on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FFR Franks Family Restaurant
- FPC Financial Partners Corporation
- FRPL Faro Recruitment Pte Ltd
- FDI Financial Destination Inc.
- FATL First Avenue Training Ltd
- FKIR Florida Keys International Realty
- FMG Forum Medical Group
- FPG Florida Parking Group
- FIS Fulton Independent Schools
- FRS Flowers Realty Services
- FMBL The Flying Monk Brewery Ltd
- FMG Forbes Marketing Group
- FCG First Choice Global
- FNSCI Fresno Neon Sign Company Inc.
- FS The Fragile x Society
- FCG Financial Consulting Group